Saturday, November 10, 2012

Birthdays and Death days these are the days of life.

Well I know a bit of a strange title, but then again I am a bit of a strange lady. I share a birthday with the death day of my father. 10 years ago he passed away very close to the same time I was born. Oddly enough he was born on the 27th which is the death day of my uncle, as well as the same with his own Father. I feel bad for my son there seems to be a pattern here.
 Most of the people on my Father's side of the family have not made it into their 60's. I have a ways to go to get there. Daddy died at 55 he said a few days after his birthday. He had hit the speed limit of his life. Dad had a great sense of humor a little morbid at times, but honestly being terminal with Cancer he made the best rest of his life that he could with us. Well mainly me, I am a Daddy's girl.
I ended up being one of his main care givers before he got to the point we had to release him to hospice care.
You know it's at first it was weird to look at daddy in the eyes of terminal. He was happy and his usual self for so long, then it just happened it was like the word it's self hit everyone for the first time as what it really meant Terminal was not fixable, nor could it be.
 One turn went to another then to finally the Point that it was no longer a point that we could give the proper care.
So here nearly 10 yrs later I have a SRNA license looking for work, My father had to play a role in this.
 My birthday was yesterday, Our birthday in fact. My husband and I share the same Date as well as height, eye color and gift to debate with each other and still be able to turn the other cheek when we disagree.
I have had this blog a little while and was wondering how to even start it back up so here I am.

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